What is the office phone number and email address?

You can call us at (917) 288-1236 or email

What is your Tax ID number?

Please email for more details.

What is your refund policy?

Please call the Youth Programs office for more details.

Where can I register for available programs?

Please visit the Youth Programs page here for all available programs.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes, we have limited scholarships available to participants that are in need financially. Please email office for more details.

What are the ages of program participants?

Participants will range from U7 - U15.

Is there transportation available for any camps?

Transportation options are available at our NYC Winter & Summer camps. (Drop off/Pick up available from East and West Side of NYC. Please call the office for further information)

To whom do we make checks payable?

All checks should be made payable to New York City Football Club.

How do you put the players in groups?

All our programs are ability-based. This means that all participants will be placed in groups that best matches their playing ability.

Can I be scouted to the Academy by attending NYCFC Youth Programs?

Yes, attending our programs is a great way to be scouted for our Academy teams.

Do you accept walk-up registrations?

Yes, as long as the program is not at capacity. Please email or call (917) 288-1236.

Does the Academy have Open ID Evaluations?

Yes, the Academy has Open ID Evaluations throughout the year. These will be advertised on our social media platforms with registrations listed on

How do I bring an NYCFC summer camp to my town, club or community?

Please email or call (917) 288-1236 for more details.

What are NYCFC Talent Centers?

NYCFC Talent Centers are designed for committed players looking for supplementary training in a competitive playing environment. Players will only be accepted through an assessment process. Each program will be instructed by select group of NYCFC Youth Coaches with guest training sessions run by NYCFC Academy Coaching staff. This program is designed to specifically give players the best opportunity to be invited into the NYCFC Academy player pathway. Participating in a Talent Center is the best way for players to be scouted for the NYCFC Academy.

Do you have Summer Camps?

NYCFC Summer Soccer Camps offer week-long camps (Monday-Friday), to players of multiple abilities seeking to learn all aspects of the game in a fun and positive environment. Led by NYCFC Professional Youth Coaches, all training sessions involve a wide range of soccer-specific skills including: ball mastery, technical development and team play. These are open registration camps and all players will be placed in groups that match their age and playing ability.

What should each participant bring to summer camp?

  • Packed lunch
  • Snacks
  • Water/Sports Drink
  • Sunscreen
  • Shorts
  • Socks
  • T-shirt (extra shirt if necessary)
  • Comfortable athletic shoes
  • Hat
  • Shinguards
  • Sneakers/indoor soccer shoes
  • Soccer ball